Panoramic guide (formerly Lexology Getting the Deal Through) recently published their State Aid 2024 quick reference guide. This guide contains side-by-side comparison of local insights into state aid, including national policies and track record; relevant national authorities and implementing legislation; national schemes and any specific rules on implementing the General Block Exemption Regulation; implications of public ownership; services of general economic interest; considerations for aid applicants and for competitors; private enforcement in national courts; state actions to recover incompatible aid; and recent trends.

Our state aid experts Marleen Botman and Georges Dictus provided the chapter on the Dutch jurisdiction. This chapter gives valuable insights on recent developments in the Netherlands by covering key questions on state aid. The full Dutch chapter is available and will be sent after completing the form.
What can you expect?
- National legislation and schemes
- Private enforcement in national courts
- Strategic considerations for competitors
- State actions to recover incompatible aid
- Update and trends
- and many more
Each of the subjects will be answered thoroughly according to Dutch law.
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Lexology Panoramic: State Aid 2024 - Netherlands. For further information, please visit: https://www.lexology.com/panoramic