Digital transformation: more than 30 laws, pending bills and projects...
When it comes to digital transformation within the Dutch government, a total of more than 30 laws, pending bills and projects play a role. The information management of public authorities and corporations can only be efficient, effective and sustainable when all these laws, bills and projects are considered and applied in a manner that is integrated and multidisciplinary. To give you initial insight into this topic, we have provided a non-exhaustive overview below. Additions to this overview will be made on a rolling basis because of ongoing developments in technology.
Communication with citizens (in Dutch)
- Electronic Administrative Communications (Modernization) Act (General Administrative Law Act amendment)
- Digital Government Act
- Digitisation of Civil and Administrative Law Decree
- Electronic invoicing in public procurement
- MijnOverheid for Entrepreneurs
Communication with other public authorities (in Dutch)
- Diginetwerk (Digital network)
- Digikoppeling (Digital interface)
Communication with citizens as well as other public authorities (in Dutch)
- Digipoort (Digital portal)
Making general information accessible to citizens (open and helpful government) (in Dutch)
- Electronic Publications Act
- Open Government Act
- Open Government Amendment Act
- Public Enterprises (Market Activities) Act + additional information
- Environmental Planning Act
- Public Records Act
- Decee on publication and provision of regulations for local and regional authorities + Regulation
- Temporary decree on digital accessibility of government information
- Optimal Digital
- Collaborative Catalogues
- Platform for Entrepreneurs
Identification / login (technical requirements for digitalisation) (in Dutch)
- Idensys (ID system)
- PKIoverheid (Public Key Infrastructure for the Dutch government)
- DigiD (Individual citizen access portal)
Public authorities up-to-date (infrastructure) (in Dutch)
- Digimelding (Digital notifications)
- Digilevering (Digital submissions)