Home Themes Coronavirus


19 March 2020
Jannetje Bootsma

We are currently fielding many questions from clients about the impact of the coronavirus and how organisations can best respond to the current situation. Issues that are on everyone's mind include the performance of (or inability to perform) contractual obligations, the Security Regions Act (Wet veiligheidsregio’s), emergency decrees, (emergency) orders issued by the mayor, the Municipalities Act and public order, liability arising from the implementation of measures, compensation for loss, relief measures, finance problems, and the rights and obligations of employers and employees. To provide an effective response to questions like these, the legal professionals at Pels Rijcken have joined forces in a multidisciplinary team. If you have questions, please feel free to contact any of our professionals or your usual contact at Pels Rijcken.

Reimer Veldhuis
+31 70 515 3793

Jannetje Bootsma
+31 6 51 43 89 36

Mark Birnage
+31 6 20 39 70 62