Tim Gillhaus has been with Pels Rijcken since 2016. He is a member of the Administrative Law department and the recently established Innovation, Privacy & Technology (IP&T) department. As a privacy law specialist, Tim advises governments and companies on the exchange of personal data and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. He frequently conducts Privacy Impact Assessments and assists government bodies in safeguarding the privacy of citizens in the use of new technologies such as blockchain, big data and artificial intelligence. In addition, Tim represents government bodies in administrative proceedings involving privacy, (financial) oversight and enforcement.
Aside from his duties as a lawyer, Tim also serves as the Data Protection Officer of Pels Rijcken. He regularly provides workshops and courses on privacy and data protection. Tim received his BA from Utrecht Law College with a minor in Criminology. He went on obtain a master’s degree in Criminal Law from Utrecht University and in Constitutional and Administrative Law from the University of Amsterdam.