Home Recent News Georges Dictus has been appointed as Counsel

Georges Dictus has been appointed as Counsel

8 January 2025

As of January 1, 2025, Georges Dictus has been appointed as counsel. Georges specialises in European law and sector-specific regulations. He is active within our EU practice, addressing a wide range of issues, including state aid, the Wet Markt en Overheid (Public Enterprises Market Activities Act), the internal market, and sector specific regulations such as gambling and food safety. He advises various government clients, including central and local authorities and public regulators.

Georges: “With its legal support for government clients, Pels Rijcken offers a unique EU practice. We work with a wonderful team of individuals who possess exceptional expertise and, above all, are great colleagues. I am proud that I can commit myself to further strengthen my connection to this practice and to continue developing this practice together with this team.”

Georges has been with Pels Rijcken since 2013. He studied European law at the University of Leiden and the College of Europe in Bruges and is a regular contributor to the Tijdschrift voor Staatssteun (State Aid Journal).

Geroges Dictus