Home Recent News Rankings Chambers Europe 2019 announced

Rankings Chambers Europe 2019 announced

14 March 2019

Chambers Europe has published its rankings for 2019. Pels Rijcken continues to achieve top rankings in both the individual lawyer and practice group categories. Dispute Resolution, Public Law, Planning and Environment have all been ranked in band 1. Willem Heemskerk, Erik Pijnacker Hordijk, Hans van Wijk, Liesbeth Schippers, Hans Besselink and Gerrit-Jan Zwenne are among the lawyers who have been ranked in band 1. Karlijn Teuben, Daniëlle Roelands-Fransen and Jeroen Naves have been ranked for Supreme Court Litigation, Planning and Environment and IT & IT Outsourcing respectively. Interested in all our rankings? Please find a complete overview on the Chambers website.