Home Recent News Pels Rijcken's Supervisory Board complete with appointment of two new members

Pels Rijcken's Supervisory Board complete with appointment of two new members

14 October 2022
Raad van Commissarissen Pels Rijcken compleet met benoeming twee nieuwe leden

Pels Rijcken heeft Jan-Willem Prakke en Anneke van Zanen-Nieberg per 10 oktober benoemd tot leden van de Raad van Commissarissen (RvC). Met de benoeming van Prakke en van Zanen-Nieberg is de RvC compleet. Eerder werd al bekend dat Prof. dr. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers als voorzitter is benoemd. Pels Rijcken is het eerste advocatenkantoor in Nederland met een RvC.

Pels Rijcken has appointed Jan-Willem Prakke and Anneke van Zanen-Nieberg to the Supervisory Board as of 10 October The Supervisory Board is complete with the appointment of Prakke and van Zanen-Nieberg. It was already announced that Prof. dr. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers was appointed chair. Pels Rijcken is the first law firm in the Netherlands with a Supervisory Board.

Jan-Willem Prakke has proven himself extensively in the legal field, including as legal director and compliance officer of Royal Schiphol Group. Anneke van Zanen-Nieberg has a broad financial and administrative background at, among others, the Dutch Government Audit Department and in accountancy, and is mainly known as chair of the NOC*NSF.

Outside perspective

Pels Rijcken wants the Supervisory Board to ensure there is professional and structural attention for other perspectives, and for opposition, control, risk and compliance. All three members of the Supervisory Board come from outside Pels Rijcken. The firm believes this is important to guarantee an independent Supervisory Board and a ‘view from outside looking in’.

Working on lessons learned

After the fraud by civil-law notary Frank Oranje, various far-reaching measures have already been taken, including the decision to focus the services exclusively on the legal profession and a programme aimed at strengthening an open culture at the firm and reinforcing the office organisation. The second line was also reinforced with the establishment of a separate Risk and Compliance department under the supervision of a director recruited externally.

Natural counterbalance

Prof. dr. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers: 'The Supervisory Board is complete with the appointment of Jan-Willem and Anneke. With this team, we have found the right balance to further tackle the many challenges, including in terms of supervision and governance, and to enable Pels Rijcken to take the lead in the legal sector.'

Jan-Willem Prakke on his role as supervisory director at Pels Rijcken: 'I look forward to challenging the board in different ways. With my extensive legal background and experience, I want to help my fellow supervisory directors to offer sufficient legal counterweight as well.' Anneke van Zanen-Nieberg says: ‘Thanks to my administrative work in the sporting world on the national and local level, I am clued into what is going on in society. My financial background can also be of value at Pels Rijcken.’